Transforming moments into memories, with every click of the camera.
Are you a CREATOR or are you a CONSUMER?
Are you a CREATOR or are you a CONSUMER?

Are you a CREATOR or are you a CONSUMER?

The Lord spoke, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He spoke again, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,” and that was done. He spoke again, “Let the earth bring forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind and fruit-trees bearing fruit with seed in them on the earth.” And it was so done. Again he said: “Let there be lights in heaven to divide day from night; let them also serve as signs to mark seasons, days and years.” And it was so done… So God created man in his own image…

  • Light is a symbol of knowledge
  • Light is a symbol of truth
  • Light is a symbol of understanding
  • Light is a symbol of wisdom
  • Light is a symbol of guidance
  • Light is a symbol of hope

In the beginning was the Word.

In the beginning was the Word. The word is important. The word is the beginning of all things, and it is God’s way to communicate and connect with us. But he has given his Word in more than one form:

  • He spoke it as Jesus Christ, so we would have a perfect example of how to behave (the life we should be living now that we are saved). Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-18 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” He fulfilled them by showing his love for us through His death on our behalf and then rising again! So now we have a new standard for living – even though it may seem impossible at times! Christ was right there, in the beginning. Let US make mankind in OUR image.
  • He gave us the Bible which records His words (and those who wrote them down too!) Everything you need for your life here on earth is contained within this collection of books – whether it be wisdom or hope or direction…you will find what you need here if you read carefully enough!

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals…and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Genesis 1:26-28

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

When you read this passage, you can feel a sense of wonder at what kind of being God is. What is it like to be like Him? What does it mean that He has made us in His likeness? These are questions we don’t have answers to because they are beyond our comprehension as humans with limited capacity for thought and imagination. However, there is one thing we do know: that by creating us as creators ourselves (something no other creature on earth can claim), God has given us dominion over all creation and given us purpose: to build up His kingdom here on earth until it reflects His own glory forever—a job that will never be done!

Man is a CREATOR.

When God created man in His image, He made us CREATORS.

This means that you have the power of creation inside of you. You are not a spectator, listener, or mere “follower”; rather you are called by God to be a communicator and doer; an innovator and creator.

So story time with Dean and Gale (Watch Frozen 2, you’ll get it)

Bezalel is a figure mentioned in the book of Exodus, in the Old Testament of the Bible. According to the text, Bezalel was a skilled craftsman who was chosen by God to oversee the construction of the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary that the Israelites used during their time in the wilderness.

According to the story, God spoke to Moses and commanded him to appoint Bezalel and his assistant, Oholiab, to oversee the construction of the Tabernacle. God also said that He would fill Bezalel with the Holy Spirit, giving him the skills and abilities needed to complete the task.

Exodus 31 describes Bezalel as “filled with the Spirit of God, the RUACH ELOHIM, the SAME Spirit that was at the beginning of Creation, the same words, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.” He is described as a master craftsman, skilled in a variety of trades including goldsmithing, metalworking, and woodworking. In addition to his technical skills, Bezalel is also described as a “designer” who is able to create intricate and beautiful artwork for the Tabernacle. Any designers out there? Feel that flutter in your stomach? That warmth on your shoulders?

The role of Bezalel in the construction of the Tabernacle is seen as significant in the Bible, as the Tabernacle was a central place of worship for the Israelites and was meant to be a physical manifestation of God’s presence among them. Bezalel’s skills and abilities, given to him by the Holy Spirit, were crucial in the creation of this important structure.

There are several themes in the story of Bezalel that are worth considering. One is the idea that God can use ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary tasks. Bezalel was not a prophet or a leader in the Israelite community; he was simply a skilled craftsman who was chosen by God to fulfill an important role. This message can be inspiring to those who may feel that they are not particularly special or gifted, as it suggests that anyone can be used by God for a significant purpose.

  • Designers
  • Interior designers
  • Graphics
  • Art
  • Paint
  • Fashion
  • Accountants
  • Architects
  • Story tellers

Another theme is the importance of artistic expression in the worship of God. The Tabernacle was not just a functional structure, but also a place of beauty and wonder. The attention to detail and the craftsmanship that went into its construction show the value that the Israelites placed on aesthetics and the arts.

Bezalel is an important figure in the book of Exodus, known for his skills as a craftsman and designer, and the role he played in the construction of the Tabernacle and that GOD has placed that same SPIRIT (RUACH ELOHIM) in each of us. A creative energy, a CREATOR energy. His story highlights the idea that God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes, and the value of artistic expression in the worship of God.

So then lemme ask you this, are you a Creator or are you a Consumer?

Are you a creator or are you a consumer?

A creator is someone who creates things. Creators are leaders, innovators, the ones who make things happen, the ones who change the world. They’re not followers; they’re the people leading their field of work and creating something new—whether it’s an invention, service or business model. They’re also those who contribute to society in meaningful ways that make others’ lives better: teachers and mentors; doctors and nurses; artists, writers and musicians; athletes and coaches—the list goes on!

Consumers can be creators too! The difference between being a consumer vs being a creator often comes down to mindset: if you think about yourself as someone who creates rather than just consumes then you’ll automatically start acting differently towards your goals (which leads to success). Do you just sit and read tweets or are you brave enough to tweet? Do youngest mindlessly scroll IG, or are you brave enough to throw your hat in the ring? Do you just google google google, or are you adding to the conversation? Are you just blogging from your basement or do you have some skin in the game?

If you were to ask yourself, “Am I a Creator or am I a Consumer?”, what would you say? If you are honest with yourself, and really think about it, I think the answer should become pretty obvious, pretty quickly…

Let’s keep in tuouch

Grace and peace


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